Hidin’ n Findin’ the Silver Linin’

******TRIGGER WARNING********

death, suicide, drug addiction and mental health

I know I’ve probably mentioned this several times over the years. Acknowledging that I’m not very good at this. Well, over the last few years it’s been incredibly difficult to write here. Truth is there has been allot of loss the last 4 years, maybe. My mother passing was one of the most difficult experiences. Her being sick and the family drama that ensued. And then when she died. I lost her and my world changed. I lost what felt like my whole family when she died. I lost pieces of me. And when I got back home up north. I started noticing that I was probably going to lose my marriage. The whole experience changed me.

When we took in my baby brother to help him battle addiction. And when my baby brother got on the bus to head back home to Houston against my advice. “Houston is home,” he’d tell me… I just knew that was going to be the last time I’d ever see him. And it was. He went back to drugs and a stranger found him under a freeway. I got the call I had been dreading. The call every loved one of an addict fears. Overdose or suicide.

It’s difficult to type these things because the screen gets so blurry through my tears and my heart hurts so much remembering that day. Thinking about how I randomly smelled his cologne a week before that call. The guilt of thinking I should’ve done more. Coming back to the logic that it was ultimately his responsibility to get the help he needed. His responsibility to go to meetings, continue talking to a therapist and treating his mental health. This comes out much harsher in text than I intend. Bluntly speaking, this is what I have to remember every time. I have to remember these things. No matter how harsh it sounds. Every. Singe. Time.

Two of my most favorite people in the universe gone. People told me part of the process was being angry at whoever died. I wasn’t ever angry at Mom. I was angry at allot of family members. Angry at allot of people and hearing their cliche responses “If there’s anything you need just let us know.” Still gets under my skin actually. Knowing. I know they mean well. During her illness and my grief that suggestion was overwhelming. I knew there were allot of things I probably needed when mom was sick.

When my baby brother died. I was very angry. I was angry at Houston. Yeah. An entire city! I began to hate my hometown! Mom and my baby brother. My favorite people. And a ton of memories in Houston. Throw in all the other negative memories growing up in Houston, dating in Houston, crazy friendships and exes in Houston. I was angry at Houston. Like it was the dark, burning pit of hell. There’s nothing good there.. And yes, I was pretty angry at my baby brother. I was angry at drugs. I was angry at myself and friends from high school because he was with us sometimes when we partied. I was angry that I wasn’t his mother to go identify the body at the morgue. My dad had to. That was the first time he’d seen his son in years. And the last time. I was angry when I was told there wouldn’t be a funeral based off what they wanted. Not the fact that he was too decomposed or what he might’ve wanted. I was angry at myself for not really voicing that fact. Instead I just told them he didn’t want that anyway. And it really sucked because I loved him soo damn much. There was anger.

Fuck Cancer! Fuuuuck Crystal Meth! And FUCK the healthcare system!!

And through all of this. All this grieving and anger. I felt that I had walked through it alone. And I was so looking forward to coming back to my wife after being away for so long taking care of Mom. My partner was right there in front of me when my brother passed. I mean, thank you for staying on the phone with the ME once she asked about his mental health and drug addiction. Thank you for supplying the bottles for the temporary numbness desired during death. But, I was alone.

After coming through the grieving of Mom’s passing I had a different outlook on life. YOLO? In doing so I started finding bits of me growing again, feeling better about me and myself. Internal and external. After my brother died, feeling alone again. I was experiencing another death. It was just another loss followed by another feeling of loneliness with another approach to life.

Then the realities of my marriage were put into perspective. All human flaws aside because we’re not perfect. I’m not perfect. Don’t misunderstand. I have my own shit that I have done. And don’t think for a second that i didn’t keep trying and keep hoping that I would have my best friend back. Anytime, a discussion about the relationship would come up her response was something like I should give her a prize for being a decent human being. I was alone and there was neglect. Neglect in communication, neglect in intimacy, neglect in a hunger for life with me, neglect in evolving. Neglect in creating a life. Neglect in being present. There was a lot of neglect. Therapy was suggested years ago. Never happened. In March 2019, therapy was suggested again because I was just done and it was another round of V.V.’s giving up on us. And this was my final. If i couldn’t get my best friend back, we couldn’t figure out intimacy, couldn’t manage/discuss finances as a couple, couldn’t feel like a damn couple…I wanted out. Things I made very clear prior to marriage. These were the items of frustration for years.

So, I really, really cannot stand being told that I give up on a relationship. I wait and hope and keep hoping for years, folks! Years! Left for Texas with whatever I could throw in my car and what little money was left in the joint checking account. I cannot stress this enough.

Generally speaking, You can try to beat me down all you want. Choose your damn weapon of manipulation and control. But, I will always come out better and survive. I had nothing after the first marriage and again after this one. And who’s still here smiling? That’s right. Me.

Silver lining? I probably never would’ve left if she didn’t do what she did. It takes two to make or break a relationship. Any relationship.

In all the loss I’ve made attempts at finding the logic, the silver linings and the rebirth that follows any decay. With Mom, I found my body renewed. I found what my body was capable of. She died because of cancer. Her body turned against her. So, I guess, that was my rebirth. To love, care and appreciate my body. Finding out I was healthy, that I was attracted to myself, at least. That I wanted to live more and not just exist. When my brother passed I eventually found a new appreciation for mental health. I started focusing on my own mindset in life. I started paying attention to my childhood and how these things have affected my upbringing. In conversations with my brother he taught me bits of anxiety and triggers. Another silver lining with my brother passing was my dad has now reconnected with his other son. With every loss or death there is a birth or transformation. Usually positive. With the cheating, neglect, theft and divorce. And the years it took for me to leave. I learned to not wait so long. That I don’t give up too easily. I realized the importance of my needs and wants. I began digging into love languages and putting words and being able to elaborate with terminology the items i deeply need in a relationship.

The split also brought me back home. This was a fear and relief all at once. Remember I was angry at Houston. At this point though Houston became a sore. And I didn’t relocate to Houston. I drove to Austin. So, I wasn’t completely back home. I was completely alone up north. My people were in Texas. Friends who are like family are in Texas. It’s an incredible sense of comfort knowing they are only a couple of hours away. I can plan a weekend to go visit my dad. Which I’m incredibly thankful for currently. I have friends and family in Houston. So, there’s my silver linings. Something about that Texas sky y’all…it brought this Strong Southern Bitch back in my heart and soul. You’re right little brother…Texas is home. It will always be home. And like home and family…I love it as fiercely as I might hate it at times.

There has been a lot of loss over the years. There has also been a lot of reconnections and reflections. It’s been quite the ride and it just hasn’t been easy to put it all to the keyboard. Most of the time not really wanting to either. Too hurtful, my own learning to put words to feelings. Also, simply just wanting to focus on life. Experiencing everything and just being in it completely. Focusing on me, learning me again.

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I’ve Been Slacking

With this whole blogging thing. I’ve never been that great at it really but with being a shut in for years and not really having anything to feed the keyboard it’s harder to keep this going. The last 4 to 5 years have been allot of reflection, decisions and allot of grief.

I had made a decision after my mom passed. I didn’t want to merely exist anymore. I explained this as clearly as I thought possible. I meant this in terms of passion, traveling, exploring, vulnerability with those you love. Allowing and not allowing certain things or people in my life. I began with working out and focusing on myself and my insides.

While focusing on me I evolved. And while that focus was a good distraction at the time to avoid the conflicting emotions I was experiencing in my marriage. The wake up call was fast approaching. And it did.

Before I decided to marry again I made one thing extremely clear. I wanted passion in my relationship. Passion doesn’t necessarily mean sex. Which is always so terribly misinterpreted as such. I mean passion and intimacy as one. I bend over to pick up a dirty sock off the floor and my partner has to smack that ass. Real conversations from the depths of our souls regardless if one wants to hear it or not. Because you have a strong desire to know your partner.

I didn’t know about love languages then and I certainly didn’t realize how vital they are to your relationship. However, I still communicated my needs and wants. In detail with examples.

I will not simply be another femme on your fucking arm! And I will never lose myself in another relationship again all for the fear that I’m giving up on us. That’s what happens. I know I’m unhappy, I know I’ve exhausted my concern. To the point where I sound like a fucking nag. And I’m not ok with sounding or feeling that way!

To cut a very long story short. I’m getting a divorce. I’ve relocated back to my home state, Texas. In one of my most favorite cities. I’ve been saying for years if I ever moved back to Texas I’d live in Austin. And here I am. Yes, I’m starting all over again. But, I have my people so very close to me again and I’m in this beautiful city and my life has been absolutely wonderful. Life is funny…

Protests, Politics & ‘Rona

It’s time I posted this. Just had an argument with my father and I’ve had enough debates about riots. I’m seriously against #45 and everything that comes out of his mouth. I’m against oppression of any kind to ANYONE. Trans people are humans and deserve to be treated as such. People of color are humans and deserve to be treated as such. I believe in affordable healthcare and education for all. I don’t give a fuck where you come from, what color your skin is or what you believe in. You’re human, you’re strong and you’re fucking worthy!

Call me a bleeding liberal. I’m human and we’re all human and I believe we can do better!

With that being said onto the blog..

It’s 2020. It’s now end July of 2020. We’re in the midst of a pandemic, our politics are shot to hell and there are protests around the globe. To top it off I’ve lost a job I loved due to COVID-19. I swore I’d never get political here. But what in the actual fuck?

I’m angry. Like, I’ve been finding the simple things and appreciating my home, loving the people in my life. But, damn, anger is swirling inside of me.

COVID19 was on its way to the U.S. It was gonna happen. And I knew we wouldn’t crackdown on it. However, these people claiming that they’re losing their rights for wearing a little fucking mask. Y’all are fucking wacko. Ya know what? Go ahead! Go start some little fucking Rona Commune and drop like flies. Let Darwinism do it’s thing with y’all. Your stupidity will not be missed. Businesses are making tough decisions on opening or closing permanently. What economy are you fighting for? You’re loosing business because people cannot go. People cannot go out to eat or shop or play because Rona isn’t going anywhere until y’all add a couple more screws to those loose gears in your tiny heads! People are fucking dying! Families are dying! The friends you claim to miss are dying! They’re dying ALONE! Put your fucking mask on and wash your damn hands like a good adult. Who for just a moment pretends to give a fuck about anyone other than themselves! It’s not hard!

*Side note: This should go without saying that those with medical conditions are obviously excluded from the above rant*

Half of you. No. More than half of you people complaining about a mask are the same damn people screaming, “All lives matter.” Fuck you right the hell away. Because you’re not wearing a fucking mask and bitching about haircuts proves that statement is a fucking lie! All lives means your life and only your life. Fuck everyone else, right? Nope. Not up for debate. You’re wrong! You’re in the wrong and on the wrong side of everything.

So, yes, there’s not too much I feel right to mention about the Black Lives Matter movement. Not angry about it. I’m angry at those speaking against it. Those that are grasping at straws debating the issue of bad policing and centuries of injustice. I don’t care that your cousins, sister and uncle all wore the badge. I don’t care that out of that uniform they’re all right folks. Ha! But, in that uniform. You don’t see that person. You don’t know what they do or what they allow to happen. I’m sick of video after video clouding my newsfeed and media with the same story over and over. Same story, different name, city or state. For what? For what? These people are dying!

Do not fucking talk to me about property damage and shit. People have died! Black people have died! For what? Jogging, sleeping in their own bed, cds? Stop victim blaming! Nothing you can say warrants murder behind a badge! You’re trained to serve and protect. Serve who? Protect who? From who? It is fucked up! Again, not up for debate. People are dying! Stop defending the abuser and the oppressor. People are dying! Families are hurting. The friends you claim to miss are dying and hurting!

I’m pissed off that this is still a thing. I was pissed off at my own past ignorance! I’m angry that an entire group of people for centuries have been unheard. And now that they’re yelling and burning your precious ideals you’re mad at stuff. Literal stuff like buildings that can be rebuilt and gizmos that can be restocked. Somehow, someway these things can be replaced or rebuilt. Murder is permanent. Death is permanent! Again people are fucking dying. For nothing.

Ahh politics used to be a fun topic for me. I used to enjoy a good debate with the opposite party and find some way to understand where or why they might think this way. But, this guy. This buffoon #45. I can’t. With the virus, the armed white people at state capital and the Black Lives Matter movement. His response to everything is ignorant, disgusting. I cannot believe that this guy will be in history books. This fucking moron and his lackies and their quotes will be written down. And I’m angry that I’m that person who wants nothing to do with a Trump supporter. Fucking leave.

You’re being a Trump supporter screams white supremacy. He condones and encourages white supremists behavior. Those people storming the state capitals with assault rifles over a fucking mask are, his words, “good people.” But BLM fighting for lives lost and injustice are to him, “thugs.” The difference is pretty fucking clear. You support that shit? Get the fuck away from me.

He blames everything on Obama. Everything! 45 is a little fucking 5 year old with Twitter account upset that U.S. doesn’t wanna share the sandbox with him.

We don’t. Trump has fucking cooties y’all!