I’ve Been Slacking

With this whole blogging thing. I’ve never been that great at it really but with being a shut in for years and not really having anything to feed the keyboard it’s harder to keep this going. The last 4 to 5 years have been allot of reflection, decisions and allot of grief.

I had made a decision after my mom passed. I didn’t want to merely exist anymore. I explained this as clearly as I thought possible. I meant this in terms of passion, traveling, exploring, vulnerability with those you love. Allowing and not allowing certain things or people in my life. I began with working out and focusing on myself and my insides.

While focusing on me I evolved. And while that focus was a good distraction at the time to avoid the conflicting emotions I was experiencing in my marriage. The wake up call was fast approaching. And it did.

Before I decided to marry again I made one thing extremely clear. I wanted passion in my relationship. Passion doesn’t necessarily mean sex. Which is always so terribly misinterpreted as such. I mean passion and intimacy as one. I bend over to pick up a dirty sock off the floor and my partner has to smack that ass. Real conversations from the depths of our souls regardless if one wants to hear it or not. Because you have a strong desire to know your partner.

I didn’t know about love languages then and I certainly didn’t realize how vital they are to your relationship. However, I still communicated my needs and wants. In detail with examples.

I will not simply be another femme on your fucking arm! And I will never lose myself in another relationship again all for the fear that I’m giving up on us. That’s what happens. I know I’m unhappy, I know I’ve exhausted my concern. To the point where I sound like a fucking nag. And I’m not ok with sounding or feeling that way!

To cut a very long story short. I’m getting a divorce. I’ve relocated back to my home state, Texas. In one of my most favorite cities. I’ve been saying for years if I ever moved back to Texas I’d live in Austin. And here I am. Yes, I’m starting all over again. But, I have my people so very close to me again and I’m in this beautiful city and my life has been absolutely wonderful. Life is funny…

Who is Ex- Hubby?


I’ve been getting several emails wondering why I went from my marriage to Ex-Hubby to dating women. When did I ever state that Ex-Hubby was a man? At what point have I mentioned a name? Which still would not be a good clue  as there are a lot of unisex names and ways to twist a name to better suit the gender rather than one’s genitals. Continue reading

Now! I Treasure My Independence!


I’ve been struggling over this blog for quite some time. I know that sex sells with the erotica blogs. However, the title isn’t Vulnerable Verbiage for nothing. I don’t want to indulge on the slushy black hole I buried myself into. That’s back tracking from the success I’ve gained.

I’ve heard from a few people that they’ve experienced the same controlling issues from their ex girlfriends after breaking up. Continue reading